Dan Essaf Music

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Winter Tips for Playing Guitar

In this video I wanted to talk about some of my tips for playing guitar during the winter with that dry and crisp air!

Let’s address the issue that most guitarists deal with, what do we do in the winter or cold and dry weather? And what about taking care of our guitar too?

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Well isn't that fashiony of me to wear my white shirt during the winter tips video? I wanted to do a quick video about just tips on guitar players in the winter, what to do with their hands and things like that. So, dryness of the skin can just be super irritating. I know mine get really dry and you know, flaky and all that fun stuff. What I like to do is, I'll have a couple of things. First, I’ll typically before starting a play, I'll actually run my hands under warm water and that way, you know, it warm the hands up. They're not really stiff and cold. And then another thing I'll do is I'll take two fingers at a time and I'll bend them back. Not too much. Put in my palm, bend them back like that. I'll flip them around, pull them that way. And again, I'll do two fingers at a time. That way I’ll get a little bit of extra blood flow going to my fingers and things like that. My thumb included, with both hands. Just to get a little warmed up and ready to start playing guitar. Another thing I'll do is I'll use Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula. I find that it just feels better on the skin, it hydrates. There's no, I prefer to avoid alcohol in moisturizers and things. It just really hurts and doesn't feel good. But I find that the Palmer's works really well and I'll apply this multiple times a day just to really keep my hands in better shape throughout especially dry winters. Another good thing to do is just warm up with some guitar finger exercises, which means like insert some footage here. Doing exercises like that will really help warm up the hands and you only do it for like a couple of minutes. That way, they're not so achy, they're not so stiff and things like that. The last tip I would give would be involving mainly acoustic guitars. But in those dry winter conditions, depending on where you keep it, if it's not in a temperature controlled room I recommend keeping them in a hard case and getting a guitar specific humidifier so that you can keep it, you know, in decent shape especially through those dry winters. So I hope these tips were helpful and get back to playing!