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How to Buy Your First Guitar
Thinking about buying your first guitar but not sure where to start? In this video, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know before making your first purchase! From choosing between acoustic, electric or classical to understanding key features, I’ve got you covered. I’m going to cover which guitar is right for you, how much should you spend, best beginner guitar brands and common mistakes to avoid!

The 10 BEST Tips for Guitar Beginners
Are you actually playing guitar the way you should? We’re going to cover how to learn guitar faster and easier in this lesson with 10 pieces of advice I am passing on to you as a seasoned guitar player! Don’t be in the high percentage of beginners who quit playing guitar early on. Follow these tips to help you expedite your proficiency on guitar and to have more fun playing. We’re going to cover how to practice guitar properly, what gear you should buy, advice on guitar chords, how to get over practice humps and more!

Electric or acoustic guitar for beginners? | What your first guitar should be
In this video we are going to answer the big question, should you start with an acoustic or electric guitar if you are a beginner? Both guitars have their pros and cons and I hope my advice leads you down the right path!

Using a Capo for Guitar Practice
In this video we’re talking about using a capo to help beginners practice guitar! If you’re just starting out with guitar or have been playing for while and have trouble with basic chords, this is the video for you!

Tap-Run Exercise for Guitar
In this video I am covering a great exercise I call the Tap-Run Exercise! This exercise concentrates on how to make guitar chords faster by having us “tap” the guitar body and then create the chord as quickly as we can.

Holding the Guitar Pick
In this video I wanted to talk about some of my tips for holding the guitar pick!

Winter Tips for Playing Guitar
In this video I am talking about some of my tips for playing guitar during the winter with that dry and crisp air!

What guitar should a kid start with?
Answering the question for guitar, what guitar should a kid start with?